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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Durgan

So i moved to Florida...

Can you believe it! I actually did it. I packed up everything I own in a tiny little honda civic and moved to the sunshine state! You wanna talk about #adulting, man this has been a huge culture-shock-drop-kick right to the jaw. I knew it was going to be tough, but I don't think there was really anything that I could do to prepare me for what was going to happen.

I have officially lived here for about 3 1/2 weeks now and it feels like it has been 3 1/2 years. Don't get me wrong, I knew that this was the next right thing for me, and I felt totally at peace about moving down here so I'm not just about to pack up again and move back home (I also have a 12 month lease which prevents me from leaving without paying a large sum of money) but I have thought about it a lot.

For those of you that don't know, the whole reason that I moved down here was so that I could pursue my dream of becoming a pilot. Specifically a missionary pilot (you'll hear more about that later on). I have spent the last three years acquiring my aircraft mechanics license and didn't have any extra time or money to pursue flying at the same time, so I have put it off until now. I am so very excited, as flying is one of the few things that I am genuinely passionate about. But I can't help and admit that I really just hate it here.

Oh sure, it'll get better eventually. That's what everyone is telling me, and deep down inside I know they are right, but for now I'm going through a grieving process of having lost a routine, friends, family, church, and a whole lot of other things I took for granted.

So...if I seem down and depressed while I'm writing in the next few months, it's because I am. And I know it's ok to feel that way. I am just hoping that writing about it will help me to process all those emotions, and be able to move on a little quicker.

Florida is hot, the people are rude, but I've got my own (almost private) beach, an embarrassing amount of ice cream, and my little dog Charley to help things. Here's to life NOT sucking in Florida.


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